The GAP Generator
Electricity for the future


The information on this page is for demonstration only.


Update 2022-04-21

Compare Test 2022-04-18 and Test 2022-04-19
For video I suggest using standard Google and not Google Chrome

GAP Tests Compared video

GAP Tests 2022-04-18 photo
I suggest right click and Save target as

GAP Tests 2022-04-19 photo
I suggest right click and Save target as

Intro to 2022-04-19 Vehicle video
Describes the new set-up

2022-04-19 Vehicle video
Great test results. This is the test we will do.

GAP Tests Compared PDF

New Set-Up for The GAP Generator
This video describes in detail my latest Set-Up
The first half of video is a front view
The second half is a side view
Both have the same audio

Virginia should be a good location for a manufacturing operation for
The GAP Generator

Click here for my estimate of cost to set up a manufacturing facility

Virginia's GREEN New Deal

Click here for a photo of links on the internet for Virginia's Green New Deal

Click here for a PDF file of Sweeping Renewable Energy Legislation.

Click here for a PDF file of Virginia House Bill 754.

To me, the videos on this page are of the ultimate test in proving over unity by The GAP Generator. Anyone wanting to see a live demonstration is welcome to visit me in Abingdon, Virginia to witness in person, what you have seen in these videos.

You may contact me any time by phone. 276-608-8210

Art Porter


A Truth About Electric Motors.

They don't operate on electricity. They run on magnetism. The magnetism they run on is produced by electricity.

Like a battery stores electricity, a permanent magnet stores magnetism. Unlike a battery, it's possible the magnet may never run down.

Web design by Art Porter
 © - 2009-2016